Ally Cadence Trust for Spinal Muscular Atrophy
0800 23 43 762
0333 44 43 762
" Supporting families affected
  by SMA Type 1 "
" Supporting families affected
  by SMA Type 1 "
0800 23 43 762
0333 44 43 762
0800 23 43 762
0333 44 43 762
" Supporting families affected by SMA Type 1 "

Blog - How would I describe my first year as an ACTSMA Trustee

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How would I describe my first year as an ACTSMA Trustee

How would I describe my first year as an ACTSMA Trustee? The first thought that pops into my head when I ask myself this question is, rewarding. 

Over the past year I have gotten heavily involved in the charity and fundraising.  Things I have done include emailing Companies for donations towards raffles, online auctions and our Butterfly Ball, driving from Oxford to Lincoln (and vice versa for Emma) during last Summer to organise the 2015 Butterfly Ball, and going out on my first home visit.

Although I don't want recognition for this work, what I have done over the year, to me, is rewarding.  Just spending a couple of spare hours a week can take some stress from my friend and help raise much needed funds to support families. 

I have watched the Charity evolve over the years through the hard work of Emma and Karl and I couldn't be much prouder than I already am to be a part of the work they do. 

Tags: RewardingTrustee
Author: Kim Trafford
09 June 2016
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