Ally Cadence Trust for Spinal Muscular Atrophy
0800 23 43 762
0333 44 43 762
" Supporting families affected
  by SMA Type 1 "
" Supporting families affected
  by SMA Type 1 "
0800 23 43 762
0333 44 43 762
0800 23 43 762
0333 44 43 762
" Supporting families affected by SMA Type 1 "

Blog - Prepping for this years Butterfly Ball

ACT for SMA Butterfly Logo

It's that time of year again that we start the long preparation for our ball!  We're doing pretty well so far and have already booked the hotel, singer, disco and auctioneer and had a think about the decorations... that's without the huge amount of time and effort that has been going into making this years video.  I've actually had a listen to our track this morning, recorded by James Mclean and it sounds amazing (though it's still top secret I'm afraid).

Although we have another 7 months to go it's suprising how long it takes to organise and get enough donations through to hold an auction and raffle.  Last week alone I sent out 250 emails! The response has been pretty good so far, having received 40 donations.  Although this might seem quite low at 16% it's actually pretty good given that so many companies support their own charities and, frustratingly, many emails don't even get a reply.

So the plan for this week... advertising! We still have lots of tickets to sell so will be working on getting our event advertised everywhere we can, including mail shots to everyone that has signed up to our mailing list. Why not buy a ticket yourself, and one for your friend/partner. You're guaranteed a fantastic night with great food, wine and entertainment.  You can, of course, click here for more information.

For those of you that have your own business please bear us in mind with regards to a donation.

Tags: FundraisingButterfly BallDonations
Author: Emma Humphries
21 March 2016
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