Ally Cadence Trust for Spinal Muscular Atrophy
0800 23 43 762
0333 44 43 762
" Supporting families affected
  by SMA Type 1 "
" Supporting families affected
  by SMA Type 1 "
0800 23 43 762
0333 44 43 762
0800 23 43 762
0333 44 43 762
" Supporting families affected by SMA Type 1 "

Blog - Moving forward in 2016

ACT for SMA Butterfly Logo

A new year can always be a particularly hard time for those that have lost loved ones, and the thought of entering a new year without them can be both daunting and upsetting. 

We have just entered our 7th year without Ally, and although yes it does get easier with time, it can still be tough.  It's only natural to have bad days, we wouldn't be human if we didn't right?

So as we enter this year we aim to make it better than the last.  To raise more money, raise more awareness and, ultimately, help more families through their journeys with SMA.  We will keep Ally's memory alive, whilst doing exactly what we set out to do - supporting parents through the worst possible time of their lives.

We are grateful, always, to every single one of you that makes this possible, and on behalf of all of the families we help, thank you! and Happy New Year. 

Tags: New YearAwarenessFundraisingThanks
Author: Emma Humphries
05 January 2016
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