Ally Cadence Trust for Spinal Muscular Atrophy
0800 23 43 762
0333 44 43 762
" Supporting families affected
  by SMA Type 1 "
" Supporting families affected
  by SMA Type 1 "
0800 23 43 762
0333 44 43 762
0800 23 43 762
0333 44 43 762
" Supporting families affected by SMA Type 1 "

Blog - Our Wigan to Southport Ride

ACT for SMA Butterfly Logo

After attending the Butterfly Ball last year and hearing some of the stories of what people had done to raise money for the Ally Cadence Trust, I decided I wanted to do something to raise money myself.

I had recently got in to cycling with some friends from work so this seemed to be the perfect choice.

So with the help of two friends from work (Paul Moffatt and Martin Dolan) we decided we would do a charity bike ride from Wigan to Southport and back to Wigan.  We estimated this to be about 40 miles, which actually turned out to be 50 miles.

After deciding what we were going to do all that was left to do was get sponsors.  We aimed to raise a modest £250, but we smashed the target in the last week heading up to the event and ended up raising an amazing amount of £676.50.  I never expected that we'd raise anywhere near that much and I'm so proud of what we have achieved for the Ally Cadence Trust.

The cycle itself went really well.  Paul and Martin made the journey without too much trouble, however, the last 10 miles for me was really hard.  I was fading and my legs were tiring, and considering the most I'd done previously was 17 miles it didn't come as a surprise to me.

The thought of what we had achieved, and why we were doing this, was more than enough to keep me pushing through the pain and complete the ride.  We all enjoyed the ride and couldn't be happier with how everything went from sponsorships and support from friends.

Thank you to everyone that sponsored us, we never expected so much support.  Now on to thinking what to do next year!

Tags: FundraisingCycling
Author: Andrew Mason
17 August 2016
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